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The Angling Section


Ian Lockyer


Caroline Lockyer


Ray Ashby

The Angling Section was formed over 20 years ago and at that time catered for Club Members who wanted to participate in "Shore", "Boat" and Trout fishing. In more recent years club activities have centred more around "Boat" and  "Shore" -(including Pier) Fishing.


Boat Fishing

We hire boats form Keyhaven and Poland run approx 6-8 trips a year which are partly subsidised by the section. Trips range from Flounder fishing in Poole Harbour, plus Bream fishing in the bay, to deep sea fishing for Cod from Keyhaven in the winter. Details of all our trips for the year are on our notice board in the club and section members are invited to sign up for trips of their choice on a first come first served basis. We fish 8 to a boat. 


Pier and Shore Fishing

The section is currently associated with the Boscombe Pier Club and as such we pay them an annual subscription (on a per member basis) to have exclusive fishing on Boscombe Pier during the period when the pier is closed (9.30pm to 8am daily). The annual Pier subscription is subsidised from section funds. We (6-8 of us) fish the Pier once a months a sectioned the Pier dates are on our noticeboard in the club. Fish caught include mackerel,  plaice, bass, bream, whiting etc.

We organise the occasional shore fishing event along the shore in Poole harbour for flounders  during the winter months. Details will be on our noticeboard.


In order to subsidise the above we charge an annual membership of £12 with the remainder of our funds coming from fortnightly Sunday raffles and three weekly bingo raffles. We also organise a fancy dress "Halloween" Skittles night (with Buffett) for the benefit of all Club members along with a Grand Xmas Raffle with nibbles where the intention for the proceeds (£1000 plus) to go back in prizes as a gesture to the Club members for their support for our raffles during the year. All tickets are sold on the day.


We have an annual Dinner Dance (Disco) /Presentation evening in March every year which is open to all Club Members. Details appear on the section notice board nearer the event.


The section holds a Committee meeting every month (first Thursday of the month at 8pm) at which any section or Club member  can attend. A regular group of members also attend the Club on Friday evenings for the Club Meat Draw and "Fishy" chat.



The section Committee is made up as follows;

Chairman - Ian Lockyer

Secretary - Caroline Lockyer

Treasurer/Boat Commodore - Ray Ashby

Shore/Pier Commodore - Dave Loader

Committee - Dave Balchin, Yan Tryska, George Wright.


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